Thursday 10 November 2011

Assignment 2 - Final Productions

Final Analytics Engine Documentary
Sketchup Model

Assignment 2 - Week 5

Draft 1Light Intensity Effects The Opening & Closing Of Sky Light

Draft 2
Number Of People Entering Restaurant & Number Of People Hiring V.I.P Rooms Affect The Lighting Of The Rooms  & Sign

Assignment 2 - Week 4

Screenshot Updates

Assignment 2 - Week 3

Regarding light in a space

My idea is a restaurant located on a small island, surrounded by little residential shacks. The restaurant will support four vip rooms on the side where people can hire the rooms for their own special occasions.

 Keeping my first feed, the other xml depends on the light intensity of the day, and the roof window will slide open to let the light in for the reception building depending on the light intensity. 

The xml feed values will be the number of people visiting the restaurant, but the vacancy depends on whether all four vip rooms have been taken or not. If there are more than 20 people in the vip rooms (maximum capacity), the light at the reception will light up as 'no vacancy'. Lights will turn on and off in the vip places determining how many people are in there. This analystic engine enables the user to view the data of how many people are in the restaurant without physically going down to see the raw data. This makes things running in the restaurant more efficient and time saving.   

Info Graphics
This infographic consists of a tree which relates well to the xml flow graph. It gives the feel where everything starts from the roots and works it's way out into different variables and categories.  The branches and leaves can be the different values and connections that require to build the big picture of the tree. Without each other, there would be no final big picture. This is attractive visually and it is a good way to demonstrate  data.

This is a layout of networks which are interconnected by several different servers such as ISPs, customer networks or uni networks to form the internet. This is a visually attractive infographic which demonstrates the complexity and the spider-web like connection between them all. Thickness of lines show those servers who use or provide the most. The intersection of lines could be the light following player or AI as they walk to designated places.
This infograph has a strong sense of colour to it. Though a bit confusing due to the many lines, each colour relates to a variable and once again, the thickness or the size of the coloured dot represents the importance. The colours can be moving paths of light, rotating or even scaling up and down.
Analystic Engine Demo

Friday 4 November 2011

Assignment 2 - Week 2

Flow Graph Dilemma
My Own Version (in Video)

Actual Explanation of Flow Graph in 3 easy steps

Video Demonstration of Flow Graph with Custom Objectives

Basic Guide To Sandbox editor

Vinh's Tutorials

Crysis Forums and Tutorials

Crytek's Official Developers Community

Second Pachube Feed (This will be my main one)

BENV2423 - Assignment 2 - Week 1

Average Velocity of a Moving Entity
Flow Graph Depicting Objective

Video Depicting Objective

Concept: Develop LED Light Sensors, activating them via an Adrunio Switch Control.
The result is the illumination of the interior as well as the roof.

Updated Pachube Feeds:

S.W.O.T Analysis